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Fitness Suite

At Oxley we have a modern gym with easy to use equipment. Our gym is supervised by qualified instructors who are here to help you achieve your fitness goals. We do our best to keep up to date with the latest fitness releases and qualifications to have the best knowledge possible to help you.


Due to Health and Safety Regulations, all users of the fitness suite will need to have a new induction onto the new Matrix equipment before they are able to use the gym. If you haven't yet had your new induction, please contact reception.

If you are a non member and would like to use the gym, we will need you to complete the form below and send it to so we can send you a PIN number to our online booking system which will allow you to book your sessions. You will also need to purchase a Leisure card.


Due to our access control system for the changing rooms, all gym users will need to purchase a card for £5 which is a one off payment. Non members can book up to 24 hours in advance. 

Current equipment available in the gym: 

Rowing Machines Watt Bikes Ski Erg Assault Bike Stair Masters Cross Trainers Treadmills Up
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       Induction Process

  • Stage 1 Induction (45min-1hour) - A thorough induction onto all our equipment with one of our fitness instructors. Suitable for those who have never used gyms or haven't visited a gym for an extended period of time. A detailed health questionnaire will be filled in with an instructor to help us understand your current state of fitness and set your personal goals. You will also have a blood pressure reading taken. If desired, the instructor can create a program individually tailored to your needs.

  • Fast Track Induction (45 min) - A quicker run through of how to use our equipment, suitable for those that have used gyms before/regularly use gyms. Our instructor will confirm your understanding of the machines and, if desired, create a program individually tailored to your needs.


Please Note: When you have your initial induction your blood pressure will be taken. If you are on medication for blood pressure it would be helpful if you could bring a signed note from your GP to explain the condition and confirm that it is safe for you to proceed with a new fitness regime. Should you have undetected high blood pressure that is discovered at the time of induction we will be obliged for your own safety to halt proceedings and recommend you make an appointment with your doctor for a full check up. 

       Reviews and Monitoring Services

  • Gym Review (45 min)  - Members can book in for two reviews after their initial induction. During these sessions we reflect back to your original goals and adapt your regime to keep you on track. The last review is a free Personal Training taster session (45 min). If more in depth help is needed, we would recommend personal training sessions to help.

  • Health M.O.T (30 min) - Your initial health MOT is free and includes weight, Blood pressure, measurements and a composition analysis (body stat) reading. This gives us detailed readings relating directly to your health and allows us to continue your progression towards optimal health. Further health MOT's are priced at £5


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