ALL sessions need to be pre booked for the Fitness classes, Swimming, Tennis & Badminton and can be done through our online booking system. You will be required to create an account using your email address and a strong password. To access our booking system, please click the link below:

Booking Policy
General Detail
Oxley Sports Centre is the trading name of Sherborne Sports and Leisure Limited, company number 05869779 of Bradford Road, Sherborne, Dorset, DT9 3DA (registered charity number 1117024).
Rules and Regulations of Booking
Available bookings refresh and go live from 9pm every day.
Non-Members can book one day prior to the activity.
Access Card holders can book up to 5 days in advance.
Full Members can book up to 7 days in advance.
The minimum age for all classes is 14 years of age; participants must be 16 to take part in Kettlebells, Bootcamp, Pump and Ladies Lifting.
Bookings can be made in person, over the telephone or online. The online cut off for bookings is 20 minutes before the published start time of the class.
Those on the alert list will be contacted via an automated email (this email does not guarantee the space). The first person to accept the space will be booked into the class.
Online booking requires you to be a registered user of Oxley Sports Centre.
Any customers who forget their password can request a reminder through the password reset link.
All classes are held on the premises of Oxley Sports Centre.
The Customer is responsible for the payment and any other charges related to the booking.
Full payment will be taken at the time of booking for all booked activities via credit or debit card in £ sterling (American Express is not accepted).
The full payment is required to validate the booking.
The price will be confirmed at the time of booking.
If you book onto to a class alert list, you will not be charged. You will be required to make payment at the time of moving from the waiting list into the class.
All class participants can go direct to their class location. The instructor will sign the participants in. If you are attending Aqua, please note that your attendance will be registered when you scan into the changing rooms, failure to scan your card may result in a non-attendance. (see failure to attend a booked activity)
If a class is full and there are other customers waiting for a space at the reception desk, any booked person who is not signed in at the scheduled start time of the class will have their space forfeited to allow for those waiting to attend the class.
Late arrivals will be refused entry to the class and be listed as a no show if they turn up more than 10 minutes late or if their space has been filled by a waiting customer. (see failure to attend a booked activity)
For classes that require equipment to be set up by the participant (Indoor Cycling etc.), please ensure that you are ready for the class to start at the scheduled time by preparing your equipment promptly in advance to prevent any over running into adjacent time slots.
It is your responsibility to inform the instructor of any relevant medical conditions or restrictions in which you believe the instructor should know about or that may restrict your involvement in certain aspects of the class.
Please ensure that you wear suitable attire for the class and bring a bottle of water to keep hydrated. For studio cycling please ensure you bring a small towel to prevent corrosion of equipment due to sweat. The class instructor will give you advice and guidance on how to perform activities which must be adhered to for your own safety.
Cancellation of booking by the Customer
Cancellations can be made up to 2 hours prior to the class. This can be done online, by telephone or in person.
Failure to give the required notice period will mean that the member is logged as a no show for that activity. (see failure to attend a booked activity)
Oxley Sports Centre will rescind a customer’s booking rights when they cancel with less than 2 hours' notice on 2 or more occasions within a 2-month period.
All bookings made by ‘Pay as You Go’ customers are non-refundable. Transfer of bookings is at the discretion of the Duty Manager.
Failure to Attend a Booked Activity
Failure to attend a booked class or activity on 2 occasions within a 2-month period will result in a loss of booking privileges, customers will be required to pay a £5.00 fee to reactivate their booking privileges.
Cancellation by the Centre and Timetabling
The Management reserve the right to amend the class timetable at any time.
In certain circumstances classes may be covered by a different instructor, in some cases this may mean the class content might be different to that advertised.
Oxley Sports Centre can add, change, withdraw or cancel facilities or activities from the centre without notice. This includes closing the centre or changing opening hours for safety reasons, maintenance, or special events.
Oxley Sports Centre reserves the right to refuse or cancel any booking without giving reason, to refuse admission to the centre, reject an application of membership or withdraw membership at any time.
No refund of membership fees will be made if a facility or activity booking is cancelled by the centre with the exception of any closures detailed in clause 4.4 and 4.5 of the terms and conditions of membership.
The centre will not be liable for any other expenditure incurred or loss sustained by the customer as a result of any cancellation of activity.
General Rules and Regulations of Use
Set up of equipment may be undertaken during your booking time and is included in your booking payment.
Permission must be obtained from the Duty Manager before taking any video or photographic images in the building.
Customers shall keep all noise at a level which is acceptable.
Upon arrival and departure of the centre, customers must show consideration towards residents living near the centre.
Parking is only permitted in the designated parking places.
Customers will leave booked areas clean, tidy, and free from damage, wiping down any equipment as instructed by the session leader.
Oxley Sports Centre accepts no responsibility for; the loss of or damage to property, injury, illness, or death on the premises unless caused by its own negligence.
You have a responsibility to yourself to work within your own capabilities always following the advice of medical practitioners and Oxley Sports Centre Staff. Should you feel discomfort or pain during exercise you should stop immediately.
You must report any accident, injury, or damage to the Duty Manager as soon as practicably possible.
During an emergency, instructions of the staff should be followed without question. In the case of the fire alarm sounding, you must exit the centre by the nearest available exit and meet at the assembly point.
Data Protection Act
Oxley Sports Centre abides by the Data Protection Act of 1998 and will keep all information provided by its customers for the purpose of administering the membership.
Oxley Sports Centre may use your information to notify you of Centre activities and keep you updated with Centre information. You have the choice to opt out of this communication by notifying the centre in writing.
Customer Feedback and Comments
If you have any concerns regarding the level of service, please speak to the Duty Manager immediately.
Customer feedback forms are available at reception and once completed should be returned to the reception staff.
Should you have the relevant email contact details of specific department managers, please contact them directly, or alternatively, email feedback can be submitted to